
Hockey and Figure Skate

Free sharpen – on first sharpen when you buy new skates from Instant Replay Sports.

$5.00 sharpen – on first sharpen when you buy used skates.

$8.00 sharpen – for regular sharpen.

$10.00 sharpen – when you buy new skates from somewhere else.

Free Skate Bake – when you buy skates over $149.99 at Instant Replay Sports.

$15.00 Skate Bake – when you buy skate without heat moldable liners from Instant Replay Sports.

$25.00 Skate Bake – when you buy skates from somewhere else.

Tennis Restringing

$12.00 – If you have your own string.

If you buy string from Instant Replay Sports  – it is included in the string price.

Other Rackets – Badminton, Squash, Racquetball

$15.00 – If you have your own string.

If you buy string from Instant Replay Sports  – it is included in the string price.

Baseball/Softball Restringing

Restringing – quote upon seeing glove – Manager will determine price.

$10.00 – just fingers plus the kit.

$20.00 – fingers and web plus the kit.